I recommend guys who are on site need to do backup configuration (commissioning file (CF) and snapshot) on SBTS because it is very important to restore STBS when old control board (FSMF) will be replaced by on new one.
- If STBS can login on site, please backup (commissioning file (CF) and snapshot).
- If STBS cannot login please contact OMCR to get commissioning file.
1- Backup commissioning file
From LMT connection
- LMT Browser:
- PC IP:
- Subnet mask:
- User Name: Nemuadmin
- Password: nemuuser
- Site Management Go To Software and Configuration Update Go To Current configuration Go To Backup Configuration Go To Save
2- Save Snapshot
a. Save Snapshot in SBTS
- Snapshot Go To Create and Save Snapshot Go To Create new or use existing snapshot (New snapshot) Go To Save location (SBTS only) Go To Save (Please wait till Saving snapshot completed)
b. Save Snapshot in PC
- Snapshot Go To Save Snapshot from SBTS Go To Save location (Local drive) Go To Save (Please wait till Downloading snapshot completed)
Note: Created: Must current date saved in BTS only
Result after Backup Commissioning File and Snapshot