Prepare Tool:
- Tool for restore factory RFSTool
- Software Package SRAN
Step to perform Restore Factory:
- PC IP:
- Subnet mask:
1. Please make sure Service Access Configuration Enable (Service account SSH status: Enable, Service port status: Enable)
a. Case using existing FSMF board
b. Case new FSMF board from Factory
- Go To SSH Service Go To Enable SSH Service
2. Double Click RFStoolv3.exe
Please check message:
- “Do you wish to use FSM [] ? <y/n> y”
Please check message:
- SSH service enabled successfully
- SSH connection to FCT successfully
- SFTP connection to FCT successfully
If 3 messages above unsuccessful please check SSH again
Please check message: (1)
- Do you wish to remove operator certificate? <y/n> y
- Type : y
Please check message: (2)
- Select '1' for removing operator certificate in active partition.
- Select '2' for removing operator certificate in passive partition.
- Select '3' for removing operator certificate in active & passive partition.
- Select '4' for removing operator certificate/BTS configuration in both.
- Select 'c' to skip this.
I recommend Select “1” for active partition first.
Please check message: (1)
- Select 'y' to active non-running partition, FSMF restart is required Go To if you choose y, passive will become active
- Select 'n' to continue. Go To Please choose n to install software in active partition
Please check message: (2)
- Select 'y' to clear BTS configuration. Go To if you choose y, old configuration which stored was deleted
- Select 'n' to continue. Go To if you choose n, old configuration keeps
Please check message: (3) just view SW version only
Current SW Versions in FSMF
Current SW Versions in FSMF
Active: xxxx.xxxx
Passive: xxxx.xxxx
Please check message: (4)
Select BTS SW for FSMF restore factory settings.
Items available in .\RFSToolv3\BTSSW\:
- 1:
- 2:
- 3: ……..
Number 1,2,3, … it depends on SW package copy in BTSSW Folder
Please choose number depends on CF need to upload
Please check message: (1)
Select SW load for FSMF you wish to use (1-2): 2 (Choose 2 for example)
Please check message: (2)
Do you wish to restore FSMF unit? (y/n) y Go To please choose Y
Please check message:
Below result SW package installation successfully
Noted: After completed Active partition please continue do Passive partition again
Remark: Active and Passive partition SW version should be different
(Example: Active partition: SBTS16.10_ENB_A50_0400_005274_000086Passive partition: SBTS16.10_ENB_A50_0200_004647_000123)